I refer to them as "The Frank's" as in Anne. As I wish they would hide away in the attic and not be seen or heard for fear of death by me. Now I am not a Nazi nor do I have hatred for the Jewish or any other , but all the same, it is what it is. I still wish they would hide in the attic or just disappear by train in the night to somewhere that I could forget about them entirely.
They are far, far worse than their predecessors. And without even having to compare here are my biggest complaints. THE NOISE , MY GOD THE NOISE!!!!!!!! I said it for the last people and I'll say it again ' just because you can't hear us doesn't mean we can't hear you!!' We are courteous people and would never purposefully make rude, destructive and deliberate noise and act like elephants or a circus! And we have a one year old! They have a child that is around 3 and is either being raised by wolves in daycare or has mental problems. When they are here which is (fortunately for us sporadic for now) not often, but enough to make me scream. They allow? the youngster to scream incessantly, seriously, get a stop watch. And this is not acceptable behaviour for any child. I mean scream like an asshole. Not a tantrum , but full on wild animal with no language skills , which scares the hell out of me. The child runs from the attic to the cellar 236 times in the hour that they are here and that's just up the stairs. She jumps down the 3 flights one step at a time , like she weighs 350lbs. Runs up, jumps down thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud . My floor boards bounce with every thud. My glass of water quakes and my baby sure as hell ain't getting any naps with that going on. My cat thinks there is an earthquake or natural disaster happening and we just moved up here from florida after 10 years and she never seemed as scared during hurricanes or tornado's, so do the math with that.
And to make it worse they act as if the child isn't even there until they want something and then it's 3 people each one screaming louder than the other to try and hear and get their point across. GOOD GRIEF! And then they spank the child till the child screams another hour from that , and so on and so on.
My only saving grace is the fact that I will not be offering to have the child over for a play date, they can't even tell that we have a child. It makes me feel good knowing that even at one she has manners even when she is out of control, she's never like that. And she's had her share of meltdowns. I am very appreciative of the fact that they have only been in and out for almost a month. I think they only spent the night 2 times, and no, I don't care where they go or where they have been, I'm just thankful they are not here.
So they are animals. And unfortunately they are selfish uneducated animals at that. The man looks like he breaks windows with his face for a living and that's unfortunate on a man who can't be more than 24. Seriously he must be in bar brawls nightly by the looks of him, the teeth( or lack thereof) the skin, the attitude the list goes on. And she , for lack of a better word or description , looks like she hasn't had any food of nutritional value her entire life. Lack of iron is an understatement. she has tattoos on her neck and I watched her place diet pepsi into the child's sippy cup. And this leads me to the biggest dilemma...
...the smoking. Neither of them can go for 2 minutes without hacking up a cancer riddled lung or lighting another cigarette. Every time they get into or out of their vehicle with their small child , they have cigarettes lit and all the windows up. They go into the house smoking and instantly fill the place with a pack of cigarettes a piece within the hour they are here. Besides the fact that they are giving their child lung cancer and god knows what other problems, the cellars to our places are open at the top. Sooooo with every exhale they produce enough smoke to fill their side of the house and it gets sucked into the cold air return and circulated through the cellar and sucked up into our furnace. And then it fills our side with the vile cancerous air that we try so hard to avoid. I mean within minutes of them entering the house , they smoke so incessantly that it fills our place immediately like they are in our side! My child was hospitalized a few days after Christmas with the worst case scenario RSV. She had a fever of 105 for days and they couldn't get it down and she wasn't breathing well on her own. We work hard to not expose her to situations where she would be around air like that, or other pollutants that could agitate her young precious lungs. So I cannot imagine a parent purposely smoking while in a closed environment with their child. Or smoking around them at all!! Who is so stupid nowadays as to really think that they will not be the one to get cancer or that the child doesn't smoke so they aren't effected.
So what can I do? Can I call my landlord and tell him that the neighbors should have their child taken away because they are knowingly causing the child harm by exposing her to smoke that she doesn't have a choice or a way of getting away from? No , because she's not my kid. But they are exposing MY child to it and SHE is my responsibility. Is it the responsibility of my landlord to provide clean safe air for my child and us? Or does he not have the right to ask the tenants to not smoke inside the place? I am in a spot because John and I are willing to move out tomorrow if we have to keep breathing in their foulness. I don't know what to do about this , but I know I have to do something. We will not be living in this place forever anyways but is it worth living here another day if I'm putting one of us at risk for something we could have prevented by leaving now?

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