I am so into this stupid soap opera that I seriously do not know what I will do if they kill off or send away another key character. I mean I have been watching the damn thing since I was a kid. And frankly I am not sure why I still do , I just can't help myself. It is so unrealistic and overdone that I long for the ridiculousness of it. It makes my day. It comes at a perfect time in the afternoon for a nice hour rest. And good old DVR is there for me during emergencies.
Even sadder than my undying love for the show is my 1 year old daughter had to hear the show in the womb and has watched it with me every weekday since her birth. And no matter where she is or what she is doing , when she hears the theme music she stops and listens to it, like it's a fucking lullaby and that really frightens me. What have I done?! My baby girl is soothed by the most unlikely thing. My God , my addiction has finally affected someone else! OH the shame....
I know I am not alone with this. There are plenty of woman and MEN out there that are addicted to soaps. They all say that they would never watch that kind of thing because it's stupid , and while they are right , it is stupid, they can't resist the temptation of tuning in the next day for more bullshit.
John took a year off a few years ago just because he could , and since I would be at work when it would be on he began watching it. I think out of guilt at first, that he was at home relaxin every day , while I was still at a job. but very , very quickly and with much shame he got hooked on it and said it was almost harder than cigarettes to quit. Why oh why do I still watch it. My baby is one , she runs now and it's spring. The sun is shining and the weather is getting beautiful and yet I still get shaky when I think about being out away from the precious TV when its on. I mean I can watch it when its late at night and shes asleep , but sometimes I CAN'T wait till then. I don't smoke , drink or use drugs. But I actually think this is almost as unhealthy for me. Do they make soap operas in pill or liquid form? OOH maybe in "PATCH" form :)

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